År: 1918
Lengde: 3 mins
Beskrivelse: I. 'WAITING AND WATCHFUL. French observers keep a sharp look out on the Champagne Front amid growing forests of wire.' MS of wire entanglements and pan right to show their extent. LS as French soldier climbs ladder up onto a platform built in a tree - below hangs a curtain of fibre matting which can be hauled up to screen the observation post. The tree is currently leafless. French troops walk along duckboards carrying rolls of barbed wire.II. 'PRINCESS MARY'S INVESTITURE. Presentation of chevrons and badges to Women's Land Army at Cambridge.' Princess Mary - wearing a white fox stole - is led past an honour guard of Land Girls to enter the Senate House. She re-emerges to stand on the steps for the distribution of badges and chevrons to women land workers.III. 'REVIEW OF THE TRACTORS. Ploughs of many makes pass General Pitcairn Campbell at the Inspection Base.' The general and his staff stand in a field as four tractors are driven past. General and staff then return to two waiting cars. Contrary to the title there is no suggestion that these tractors are specifically agricultural and three of the four are the same model.IV. 'DR. PAGE OPENS HOSPITAL. Society attends opening of American Red Cross Hospital by U.S.A. Ambassador.' Mr and Mrs Page get out of their car to enter the hospital - their chauffeur regards the camera balefully. Page talks with one of the hospital managers. MS pan over an animated group of society people standing in the hospital gardens.V. 'SETTLING DOWN IN PALESTINE. Children listening to an Australian Band playing outside a Synagogue.' Pan left over group of children as the band plays in the background. The synagogue is a substantial building in the European style.
I. French artillery observation post.II. Princess Mary awards badges to Land Army women.III. General Pitcairn Campbell inspects tractors.IV. The US Ambassador opens an American Red Cross Hospital.V. An Australian military band entertains Jewish children.
Nøkkelord: EFG1914 / World War I / Mary, Princess (Princess Royal) / Campbell, Pitcairn / Page, Walter Hines / French Army, [artillery] / Women's Land Army / American Red Cross / Australian Army, band / defences, French - passive: barbed wire / operations, French military - surveillance: artillery observation / ceremonies, British - event-related: award of Land Army badges / ceremonies, British - display: parade of tractors / transport, British military - prime mover / ceremonies, British - event-related: opening of hospital / ceremonies, United States - event-related: opening of hospital / buildings, Palestinian - religious: synagogue / recreation, Australian military - music: band / society, Australian military - friendship: Jewish children / Champagne, France / Cambridge, Cambridgeshire, England, UK / GB, England & London, SW
/ Palestine / World War, 1914-1918 -- Campaigns -- Palestine -
Leverandør: Imperial War Museums
Rettigheter: In Copyright / Imperial War Museums
Produksjonsselskap: Topical Film Company
Farge: Black & White
Sound: Without sound